C. G. McGinn

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Lately I've been Reading

Not a very long post today. Here are 2 very different books that I have read recently:

The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright

Maybe subconsciously I planned on reading the Loom Tower by Lawrence Wright, right before September 11th, but I hadn't meant to do it--if that makes any sense. I was looking for something nonfiction and the book had been burning a hole on my Audible wishlist.

It was an emotional read. It was a frustrating read. It was a read where you hoped for a different outcome but knew the ending long before the account began.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This is a YA Fantasy about thieves. But the book does not read like like YA. It's more adult than YA. The characters, though described as being teenagers, have experiences well beyond their years. This may have been one of those cases where Bardugo wrote for an adult audience, but her publisher felt it would sell better in the YA market.

I really enjoyed the book and have already picked up the next one in the series on Audible. I don't know what the sub-genre is officially called, but the Fantasy-Thievery sub-genre is one I'm happy to see more of. Authors like Bardugo, Lynch and Weekes are but a few that I have read, and all of them I greatly enjoy.