C. G. McGinn


Ramblings about Books and Writing

Fire and Brimstone Chapter 4

Without further delay, Chapter 4 of Fire and Brimstone is now out! While reading over this chapter and making small edits, I was pleasantly surprised by how it came out. The tone seems to be set in here and it’s now my job to maintain said tone in future chapters.

Chapter 5 is also written and I should have that up in the next day or so…maybe even today.

Also, in case you’re just tuning in, I’m streaming my writing sessions for this story, over here on Twitch.

You can catch up on the first three chapters over here.

And as always, thank you for your support, whether it’s in the form of encouraging words, Follows on Twitch, or Financial Contributions. Value for Value.

In other news: Had Child Number 3. Well…my Wife had Child Number 3. But you can imagine the ripple-effect having a Third Human Resource would have on one’s life. I’ve not been able to stream, or write, or do much of anything except take care of the kids and crash at the end of the night re-re-re-watching episodes of The Office. Jim and Pam are just the best!

But we’ll hopefully get the writing back on track soon, and maybe even the streaming. Though I did pick up GTA V, so I might very well be my own worst enemy.

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