C. G. McGinn


Ramblings about Books and Writing

Hidden Mountain - The First Self Published Work by C.G. McGinn

As my own worst critic, I feel I do a very good jobs writing about other peoples work. Maybe I’m bias.

And it’s not very often that I write about my own work. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s never happened. Sure, I’ve talked a little about my process, and what I’m doing, writing, struggling to produce. But I’ve not talked about a completed, readable project.

…Until now.

Cue the music!

I published my first professionally edited novella. I’d been sitting on it for a few years now. For a while I’d been trying to pull a George Lucas, tweaking some of the bits I wasn’t happy with, writing it in the first person. I even tried scripting it as a graphic novel.

The other day I had a revelation: Just publish the damn thing. Good or bad, rough around the edges, there it is—it’s out there for all the world to see.

And I’m motivated to finish and have edited the sequel!

I currently have enough content to make Book 2 much larger than a novella, however, through the process of writing it, I uncovered new and exciting avenues for the story that weren’t there when I first began.

So there it is. I have a self-published work on Amazon and a second story on the way. Go buy it! It’s less than a cup of coffee.

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