C. G. McGinn


Ramblings about Books and Writing

Hidden Mountain is Now Out in Paperback!

Hey kid, check this out:

The novella that was six years in the making, that became an e-book, has found its way out of The Matrix and discovered its physical form. Birthed from a pod, like a bald Keanu Reeves, it has discovered its dark reality and will one day wage a one-man war against sentient machines…

The novella is out in paperback.

I’ve added an introduction, a bonus chapter, and a teaser chapter for the next book. There is also a glossary of terms specific to the world I’ve been crafting for far too long.

Go buy the book.

Speaking of the next book: The manuscript goes to My New Editor in February. The next book will indeed be a book, a novel, and picks up where Hidden Mountain left off. The working title is, “The Azure Dream” because “Cold Ice Cream and Hot Kisses” had already been taken. Thanks a bunch, Gavin Belson. But I’m sure a new title will be realized once I get the edited story back. It’ll probably be something captivating and mysterious, and very much in the same vein of “Cold Ice Cream…”

And as far as a release date, I’m going for somewhere in the ballpark of mid-to-late 2021. Updates will flow from this site once February comes and goes.

And with that, I’d like to thank everyone who has already purchased Hidden Mountain, in either or both forms, out of obligation for being family, or married into family, or married to me directly. Please tell your friends and colleagues about it. Please review it over on Amazon. Please drop me a line if you thought it changed your life or can’t wait for the sequel. These are the anxious pleas that we writers feed on.

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