C. G. McGinn


Ramblings about Books and Writing

Show Tunes and Books

The wife and I finally got around to watching The Greatest Showman. I loved it though we both felt the pacing was a bit off. Rushed mostly…mostly. The music was great. Modern show-tuney with just enough edge.

I like show-tunes, and like Hugh Jackman, I’m not gay about it. They’ve just always been my thing—the most moving of the musical genres I subscribe to, that hits all my emotional buttons. I relish in the good cry I get from a show-tune and I feel Zero shame admitting it.

I picked up the audio autobiography by PT Barnum as I neared the end of the movie. That period of time is fascinating. PT Barnum is an interesting individual. More on that later I’m sure, which I finish the book.

I just finished Dead Moon and Terminus by Peter Clines. If you’ve not started reading the Threshold Universe series you need to start. It’s a pre-req for life at this point. It’s Lovecraft enough, yet different enough to stand tall in a league of it’s own.

I’m also reading Unmasked by Andy Ngo, which is non-fiction, and, to some, mythology. Probably one of the more controversial books I’ve read and cared to mention. I’ll probably write up a review of it when I finish, if I’m not kicked from the platform for being subversive.

And finally, in the news of writing, I’ve submitted my manuscript for the sequel to Hidden Mountain to my Editor. The current title is, Azure’s Dream. I’ve also begun writing the first chapter of the 3rd Book. The working title is, Doberman. But this may change as I’m barely a scene in.

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